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What to pack

Picnic Checklist

Be prepared to pack a blanket, a picnic basket with crockery, storage boxes for the food and chilled/frozen drinks that can be used as cold packs. This saves a lot of packaging waste and protects the environment.

"Picnic - what to take?" - our checklist

Picnic blanket possibly a few cushions

Picnic basket or bag



Cooler bag for perishable food & drinks

Refreshing drinks

Delicious finger food, snacks, sandwiches

Sun cream & mosquito spray

Jumper for the cool evening hours

Parasol or awning

Possibly a ball, boccia, frisbee or badminton game

Rubbish bag

Picnic food ideas should be easy to transport and not perishable. Finger food, snacks and sandwiches are therefore ideal for picnics. Especially for picnics with children, there should always be something sweet on the menu. Not for eating, but still an important item on the picnic list: Sun cream, bug spray and something warm to wear in case it gets a bit chilly in the evening.

There are countless things you can experience and discover together on a picnic:

Watching insects and butterflies

Playing cloud cinema

Playing skat, badminton and boccia, football or throwing a frisbee

read a book aloud

Picking bouquets and making flower wreaths