Chin-Chin – ein edler Tropfen schreibt Geschichte

Thematic Tours


The city tour takes you via the Trinkhalle to the Florentinerberg. Learn how water flows into anecdotes and legends in and around Baden-Baden! Flow towards the source of Baden-Baden! The themed tour takes you via the Trinkhalle, where even Mark Twain tasted a glass of water; to the Florentinerberg, from whose depths 800,000 litres of hot thermal water gush to the surface every day. Find out how foam parties are held on Leopoldsplatz, what the thermal water farce is all about and how water is used in anecdotes and legends in and around Baden-Baden! You will find out - the tour is anything but watery.


This service is provided in the name and on behalf of Baden-Baden Kur & Tourismus GmbH and is subject to § 25 UStG.